Special September Newsletter from Auckland Diocese

Teman-teman umat KKIA terkasih dalam Kristus,

Di bawah ini adalah newsletter istimewa dari Keuskupan Auckland untuk para umat yang menjalani lockdown. Ada link-link menarik yang bisa dilihat untuk  menambah pengetahuan iman dan juga ada film, dan hiburan dari para musisi yang juga adalah imam Katolik. 

Kiranya kita semua tetap sehat dan semangat, sampai nanti kita bisa bertemu kembali. 


 Kia ora katoa,


Lots for newsletters this week.  Some of you in the North or South may well now be returning to a physical office.  If you are, go well and stay safe.  For the rest, many of our kitchens and lounges remain dual purpose!  Even though some in Level 2 may be able to gather in small, physically distant groups many of the online and other digital resources will continue to provide support and nourishment at this time.  The last attachment inspiringly called Slide 1 is one sent last year.  It is reminding people that Bishop Pat has formally given dispensation from our Sunday Obligation during this extraordinary time.  This is still valid no matter a parish be in Level 2 or 4.  You might like to reassure people at this time.   


For newsletters

Resources in times of Lockdown The diocese has a number of resources available on its website to support people during this time https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/home-2020-new-design/the-church-and-covid-level-4/ This also has a program of events that are available in the diocese during this time.  For those at level 2 https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/home-2020-new-design/the-church-and-covid-level-2/ will be a useful resource.

A reminder that the diocese continues to provide broadcast Sunday Mass.  It is uploaded at 5.30pm Saturday night (as per a Vigil Mass time) to the Youtube channel Auckland Catholic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb7o1XYfQet-mOW1mJSzfow .  It is also broadcast on Shine TV Sundays at 2.00pm Free-to-air TV Channel 25, Sky TV Channel 201. 

Friday 10/09, 7pm

Movie Night – My Sister’s Keeper

Grab some popcorn and end the week with a movie night! The Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy will be watching My Sister’s Keeper, followed by some discussion about the film.



Saturday 11/09, 7pm

Light of Hope // Online concert with Fr. Chris Skinner

Join us for an evening of spirit-filled worship, led by the fantastic Fr. Chris Skinner. Video available on Bishop Pat's Facebook page.



Monday 13/09, 6:15pm

CYAC Vocations Series: A Journey to the Priesthood

The Catholic Young Adults Community continues their Vocations Series this week! Tune in to hear newly-ordained priest, Fr. Isaac Fransen, share about his personal journey towards priesthood. 


Tuesday 14/09, 7pm

Exploring the Book of Revelation with Robert Loretz

Looking for an evening of faith formation? This Tuesday, Robert Loretz and the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy team will be exploring one of the most fascinating books of the Bible, the book of Revelation.



Wednesday 15/09, 7pm

Livin’ in Lockdown #4 // Mental Health

Join the ACYM team for a laid-back, radio talk-show style event for youth & young adults on Facebook Live. This week, we’re tackling the very important topic of mental health.



Saturday 18/09, 8pm

An Evening with Internationally Acclaimed Speaker and Musician, Fr Rob Galea!

Join us for a night of formation, music and Q&A with internationally acclaimed speaker and musician, Fr. Rob Galea! Fr. Rob will be joining us on Zoom to share practical ways that we can overcome fear and pursue our God-given potential.



Outline of Liturgy of the Word for Sunday with links to appropriate music videos, suggestions for reflection.  Accompanied by a PowerPoint for sharing from Pastoral Services Liturgy Centre https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/liturgy-prayer/ritual-prayers/

Daily Reflections from Bishops Pat and Michael Reflections from the Bishops on Facebook Bishop Pat and Bishop Michael

On-line Rosary (contact anita@stpatricks.org.nz to join) at 9am daily with the Cathedral of St Patrick’s and St Joseph

Lectio Divina reflecting on the daily Gospel readings (contact anita@stpatricks.org.nz to join) at 10.00am and 8.00pm from the team at the Cathedral Parish

Breaking Open the Gospel of the Day Members of the Diocesan Community proclaim the Gospel of the Day and reflect on its meaning in our lives and this situation YouTube

The Season of Creation is celebrated worldwide in the month of September ending with the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi on 4th October.

This year the global Christian family will participate in initiatives of prayer, sustainability, and advocacy to care for our common home. This year’s Season of Creation symbol is Abraham’s tent. It expresses the ecumenical call of radical hospitality, safeguarding a place for all creatures, human and non-human in the household (oikos) of God. Further information, prayers and other liturgy resources can be found at Justice & Peace - Catholic Diocese of Auckland (aucklandcatholic.org.nz) at the Environment & Sustainability tab.

Registrations are open for Ngaā Tapuwae - Sacred Footsteps. From 6th January to 9th January Auckland Diocese will offer the opportunity for your parish to come, to share and to learn more of our Catholic heritage. Travel with us as we explore and experience and live sacred places Bishop Pompallier and the early missionaries lived. Don't delay, bring your group together, hire a van and we'll see you there. www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz / Ngā Tapuwae  - Contact Deacon Stephen Fraser stephenf@cda.org.nz  

Vacancy – Chief Financial Officer for the Catholic Diocese of Auckland

Fantastic leadership role available. Become a trusted advisor and lead the strategic and operational financial functions of one of NZs oldest and largest religious organisations. If you are looking for a rewarding career opportunity, please go to our website www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz. – Diocesan Services and Staff Vacancies.


May God who listens to our pleas

answer us

May God whose love is transforming t

ransform us

May God who is with us in the everyday,

bless us

Today and always


Ngā Manaakitanga


Sr Siân Owen rsj

Leader, Pastoral Services

Catholic Diocese of Auckland

P|(09)360 3056 M| 027 329 3877

F| pastoralevangel/ http://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz


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